Repossessed Chapter 4 Summary

  • After his shower, Kiriel takes a bath because he wants to feel water on his new skin and float. And guess what? He likes this, too.
  • He's been in there a while when he hears Shaun's mom come home and ask Jason what he's doing; she sounds concerned, so Kiriel figures he better hop out.
  • Shaun's mom knocks on the door and asks him if he's okay. Kiriel reports he's just getting out right now.
  • When he comes out of the bathroom, his mom is sitting on a chair, watching his every move. Why is he acting so weird? Why was he in the bathroom for so long?
  • Kiriel rushes to Shaun's room to get some different clothes. He hates how baggy and dirty all of Shaun's clothes are.
  • He grabs some pants from the pile that Shaun's mom bought him before school started—Shaun's never worn them before, but Kiriel likes the way they look better.
  • When Shaun's mom tells him he looks nice, he says thanks. She thinks he must be on his way out, but she's happily surprised when he sits down in the kitchen for dinner.
  • She makes hot dogs, which Kiriel loves. Even better? The ketchup that goes on top of them. Dude can't get enough.
  • Shaun's mom asks the boys about their days at school and their homework; Kiriel promises to finish his before bed.
  • When he looks at the homework, it's all easy since he knows all the answers. He has a good time doing it nonetheless, though, since he likes sharpening his pencil and writing stuff down. Why are kids always complaining about homework, he wonders.
  • As he's working, he overhears Jason and his mom chatting in the living room. The topic? Shaun. Jason thinks he's acting weird, but their mom says he's just interested in a girl.
  • Phew, no one is on to him.