Repossessed Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

A body without responsibilities—no job or family to care for; someone who had time to experience the things I wanted to experience. But not too protected. Someone who wasn't watched every second. Someone who had a little time on his hands, but also a safe place to go to every night. I knew I wanted all this, so I decided to take a middleclass suburban American teenager. (1.7)

Age is the reason Kiriel chooses Shaun in the first place; he wants a teenager who has his own freedom but isn't responsible for too much. Little does he realize that being a teen has some troubles of its own—we're talking puberty, girls, teachers, and homework.

Quote #2

"Shh. He'll hear you." Her voice was low. "He's just growing up."

"But did you see what he was wearing?"

"It's normal for a teenage boy to take a sudden interest in his appearance. And did you hear him lifting weights?" (4.84-86)

As Shaun's mom and brother discuss his change in appearance, Kiriel worries they'll find him out. There's no reason to be concerned, though, since it's normal for teenage boys to want to impress girls, and Shaun's mom just figures his changes are about growing up. Phew.

Quote #3

I knew what Shaun's mother believed about Shaun's love interest. A while back, she'd found a note from a girl in one of his pockets. She put it back and never told Shaun she found it, I suppose because she feared he'd think she'd been snooping. Although she had been. (9.1)

It's normal for teenagers to hide stuff from their parents. Too bad Kiriel can see everything as a spirit and doesn't need to snoop around like Shaun's mom. We get a glimpse into Shaun's life and it all seems very normal for someone growing up. He's coming of age just as Kiriel takes over his body.