Repossessed Chapter 24 Summary

  • Kiriel should be scared of what is about to happen to him, but instead, he feels relieved; he's glad someone finally noticed that he was missing.
  • It's clear that the angel made a body for this little trip—it's too perfect and shiny to be a real person.
  • They sit on the curb and dish it out. The angel tells Kiriel his time on earth is done and he has to go home now.
  • Kiriel knew this was coming. He's really liked it here, though, and learned a lot about how complex and beautiful humans are.
  • The angel explains to Kiriel that he shouldn't have stolen Shaun's body, even if the guy was about to die.
  • Because he took away some of Shaun's life, Kiriel must return the body back to its original owner. Or, to put it another way, get out so Shaun can live again.
  • Since Shaun didn't get to experience the last few seconds of his life, his "trajectory" (read: life story) has been rewritten, so now he'll go on living for a lot longer.
  • Wow, Kiriel thinks to himself—Shaun gets to live because of me.
  • He'll be in a coma for a little while, but then he'll get to wake up and go back to his life.
  • Kiriel asks if they can go easy on Shaun. He'll be in a lot of pain, but give the guy a break.
  • The angel points out what an impact Kiriel had here: Not only will Shaun get to live, but things are different with Jason now, too.
  • Kiriel admits that he just wanted to leave a mark. He doesn't really accomplish anything at home, and he wanted to matter for once.
  • He knows he has to leave now, but at least he did something.
  • Then he steps off the curb, into oncoming traffic—right back where Shaun started.