Repossessed Chapter 5 Summary

  • Kiriel finally fills us in on his name. Or, should we say one of his names. He doesn't tell us any more of them, since this one is his favorite.
  • It means "mirror of souls" which is exactly what his job is, if you think about it.
  • He thinks about his new role as Shaun. He knows he's not supposed to be here, but he's excited about it all the same since now he gets to be his own man, instead of just projecting others back to themselves.
  • He's not sure how long he'll be able to stick around, so he wants to stay awake and enjoy it. Mere mortal that it is, though, Shaun's body can't stay awake forever, and starts to fall asleep on him. Kiriel's never needed sleep before.
  • He tells us a little about the Rebellion (a.k.a. when he became a Fallen angel), and it wasn't as bad as it sounds.
  • A bunch of angels didn't want to spend all day worshipping someone else; they wanted to be able to do stuff for themselves, like create cosmos.
  • Bummer for them, though, the Creator wanted to be the only one doing that so he made all the angels who questioned him go to hell.
  • Kiriel thinks about what might happen to him for stealing a body and hanging out on earth, but then he figures it can't be much worse than hell.
  • With that, he falls asleep.