Repossessed Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I was just fed up, you know; fed up with being a cog in a vast machine, with doing my pointless, demeaning job. It's not like I was the only one who could do it—anybody could do it. Tormenting the damned—it practically does itself, no lie. And it's depressing; I can't tell you how depressing it is. (1.2)

There you have it: Kiriel is sick and tired of his life as a Fallen angel; he wants to do more and live a little. So, he jumps the first ride to earth he can. What starts out as him being annoyed at his life actually teaches him a few things while on earth.

Quote #2

I thought I'd known everything about him, but living life through his body made what I knew seem dull and one-dimensional. I liked seeing the eyes of his friend and his brother, and I wanted to see more. Humans were much more intriguing from this point of view. (3.25)

As a human, Kiriel goes through a big switch in the way he thinks. At first, he pictures being dissatisfied in a limited body, but sooner or later, he realizes nothing could be further from the truth. There's actually a lot to like about being a human.

Quote #3

But now that I had gotten somewhat used to the feel of cloth against Shaun's skin, I was dissatisfied with the way his clothes looked. Raggedy. Limp. Faded. Full of holes. I knew Shaun fought every time his mom tried to take him shopping, but I'd never thought about what that meant. (4.16)

Shaun might hate his mom's taste in clothes, but Kiriel loves it—he thinks the baggy clothes Shaun wears are unflattering and uncomfortable. It's interesting that Shaun feels the same way about the clothes Kiriel loves. Turns out Kiriel can't just pretend to be a teenager after all… not in the way they dress, at least.