Mrs. Flora Cranston

Character Analysis

Mrs. Cranston is the loud, boisterous mama of Olive and Camilla, and she's hitched to the loud, angry Mr. C. Needless to say, Mr. and Mrs. C make quite a pair. But while he's got a problem with his temper, she's got a problem with her manners—she doesn't really know how to act or dress around the upper class society on the ship. And so she keeps making major social faux pas.

When the Upstairs Cranstons meet Princess Louise, you can bet that Mrs. C is going to embarrass the rest of her fam:

You do not speak to royalty first. Royalty speaks first.

But a blatting voice butted in, and it was not royalty.

"My stars and garters, Princess, what grand quarters you have here. I'd hate to think what you're paying." The thundering voice went on, regardless. "If only my Olive could be present. We were hoping to give Olive Her Chance. But, poor girl, she's sicker than a poisoned pup. I don't know where it's all coming from!"

Mrs. Cranston.

Silence fell. You could hear the distant throb of the ship's engines. The fire crackled at the top of its lungs. We were doomed. (10.34-38)

Uh-oh, Mrs. C—if there are two things you don't yammer on about to royalty, it's money and puking. And according to Helena, Mrs. Cranston's lack of tact could cost the Upstairs Cranstons their chance at the party.

But we have to admit: we admire Mrs. C's gusto. She's not playing by the rules or afraid to show her excitement—and while this is pretty awkward when she meets Princess Louise, when her daughters announce their engagements, it's pretty awesome. She dances and sings so the whole ship can hear her, and that doesn't seem like such a bad thing at all.