Shantaram Chapter 10 Summary

  • Abdullah shows up at the slum with medical supplies for Lin.
  • He asks Lin how he makes money, and Lin hesitates to answer because his job is not entirely legal; he helps foreigners find illegal drugs or black market items to buy.
  • Johnny Cigar, Lin's slum friend, seems upset by Abdullah's visit. He tells Lin not to go with Abdullah because he isn't trustworthy.
  • Abdullah and Lin hop on Abdullah's motorcycle and ride through the city to the Bhatia Hospital. They visit Doctor Hamid, who says that he will treat the patients that are too serious for Lin to deal with in the slum, as a favor to Khaderbhai.
  • Then Abdullah takes Lin to the place where Khaderbhai has arranged for him to get medicine every week: a black market run by the leper colony.
  • The head leper, Ranjitbhai, meets them and promises to provide Lin with stolen, first-class medicine every week.
  • Abdullah and Lin ride away on the motorcycle and, when they park, Abdullah gives Lin a big hug. He says that he wasn't expecting a bear hug. Abdullah is taken with the English idiom, which he hasn't heard before.
  • Promising to come back with the meds, Abdullah rides off and Lin goes into the slum.
  • Prabaker greets Lin, warning him that Abdullah is a "danger man" and that he should stay away from him. Lin knows he's right, and tries to figure out what he should do.
  • He tells Prabaker not to worry, that nothing will happen to him.