Shantaram Chapter 29 Summary

  • Lin gets some movie dancers to come perform at Prabaker's wedding and gives Johnny Cigar $5000 as a present. He also buys Prabaker the deed to his taxi.
  • After the wedding season, Lin throws himself into his work and travels to Kinshasa, in the Congo, to run passports.
  • From there he goes to Mauritius, where his contacts screw things up, driving him out into the country and trying to pay him in the wrong currency. To fix matters, Lin has to go to Singapore. Finally he makes it back to Bombay.
  • He goes to a movie set at a hotel to meet with Lisa. At a lunch, Kavita asks to speak to Lin about Abdullah.
  • She tells him that the cops are looking to kill Abdullah, because they think he's Sapna.
  • Lisa leaves with Lin and he tells her what he knows. They go to Leopold's. Didier tells them the cops have already been there. He explains that Abdullah was taken in a crowd, shot to pieces.
  • On his bike, Lin heads to the place where Abdullah was killed. There is a riot going on, and one man attacks Lin. He fights numerous attackers until he finds Khaled Ansari, who helps him out.
  • Lin goes back to Leopold's, where Johnny Cigar is there talking about the tragedy. Unfortunately, Lin finds out that he's talking about a different one—Prabaker's. He was in an awful taxi accident.
  • Lin heads to the hospital to see his friend, who is in terrible shape. He and the family watch over him for four days, until it's over.