Shantaram Chapter 5 Summary

  • Prabaker and Lin meet at the train for Prabaker's hometown. They hear an announcement and Prabu yells for Lin to hurry up and board.
  • A gigantic porter lifts up Lin and sets him to one side to get at his luggage. Prabaker tells Lin to hang onto the porter's shirt and never let it go, then disappears into the crowd.
  • The porter takes Lin to a carriage where they find Prabaker stretched across a seat, saving it. Some men were punching and kicking at Prabaker to get him up but he remained steadfast. Lin fights them and sits down.
  • Once the train gets moving, all the angry brawlers become civilized passengers.
  • Lin gives up his seat to an older man, standing for four hours, which really ticks off Prabaker after his fight for the seats.
  • They arrive at Jalgaon and switch to a bus. They ride for three hours and get off in the middle of nowhere where they wait for an hour for another bus.
  • The bus driver questions Prabaker about his foreign friend, then drives slowly so everyone on the road can see the exotic passenger, Lin.
  • When they get off the bus, they see Prabaker's father, who is happy to see them.
  • They ride Mr. Kharre's ox-cart into the village, and the villagers watch them through the cornstalks like munchkins.
  • Mr. Kharre beats the ox to keep it moving, and Lin asks Prabaker to ask him to stop. Prabaker and his father laugh, because Lin eats cows. They say it's hard to eat cows without hurting them.
  • When they get into the village they are surrounded by all 600 inhabitants, and Lin takes a jester's cap out of his backpack (very handy) and makes the people laugh by wearing it.
  • Prabaker lets Lin have an outdoor shower, but explains that he shouldn't take off all of his clothes, because it is too scandalous. He has to bathe with gym shorts on.
  • Lin goes to sleep on his outdoor bed, and the villagers gather around him so he won't be lonely. He suddenly realizes the consequences of all his actions and how he has hurt people in his life.