Shantaram Chapter 38 Summary

  • Didier and Lin go to Abdul Ghani's mansion on a motorcycle. Lin goes in to see him. He delivers the news of Khader's death, and Abdul cries.
  • He asks about who survived, and when he finds out that Khaled is dead, he makes a strange comment: "Then it will be Nazeer" (5.38.18).
  • Lin asks where the passport workshop has been moved to. Abdul tells him that it's there, in the house. He goes down into the basement workshop and updates his expired passport.
  • He then goes out to where Didier is waiting and they ride to Madame Zhou's. Didier stays back keeping watch. Lin goes inside.
  • As he walks through the burned-out building he falls through a wall, into one of Madame Zhou's secret passages. He follows it into an attic room and sees the old woman, crazy and unaware of what is going on around her.
  • Lin starts to feel ashamed for wanting to kill the old lady, when he is attacked by Rajan, Madame Zhou's servant. Lin pulls his knife and stabs the eunuch, when he is suddenly attacked by a carbon copy of the man, his twin.
  • Didier comes to find him, and Rajan's twin attacks him with a knife, but Didier shoots the man with a pistol.
  • He is willing to kill the men, but Lin stops him.
  • They go back down the passage, fall through the floor, and climb out of the passage.
  • Back at Leopold's, Vikram is happy to see Lin. Didier says that Karla is back in Bombay, with a new boyfriend called Ranjit.
  • Lin makes a toast to Karla, but he's interrupted by Mahmoud, who comes to tell him that Ghani is dead, punishment for betraying Khader.