Shantaram Part 4, Chapter 26 Summary

  • Lin and Didier chat about Didier's early life and about Karla. Afterward, Lin rides off on his new motorcycle to meet Lisa.
  • He sees her at a fancy hotel. She introduces him to Kalpana, who is making a movie there. The three sit in Kalpana's car getting high, and Kalpana asks Lin to help her get European tourists as extras for her movies.
  • Lin and Lisa form a partnership: he'll talk the tourists into it and she manages the logistics of getting them to the set. Lisa lives with Abdullah now, but says she doesn't trust him.
  • On the set, Lin watches a Hindi movie dance number being made.
  • Afterward, he sees his old friend Kavita and gives her a lift on his bike back into town.
  • She's a journalist, and Lin wants her to write up the murder in the slum for the front page of the newspaper.