Sixteen Candles Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Sixteen Candles? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What major event does Sam's family forget?

her birthday
her graduation
her Bat Mitzvah
her movie premiere
Q. What event are Sam's parents preoccupied with?

Sam's sweet sixteen
Ginny's wedding
their divorce
Home Alone coming out on VHS
Q. What does Sam do that reveals she has a crush on Jake Ryan?

scribbles his name on her notebook
announces it over the school loudspeaker
fills out a "sex test"
does a "What John Hughes character should you marry?" Buzzfeed quiz
Q. Why is Jake upset with Caroline?

she kisses the Geek
she invites everyone to a party at his parents' house
she drinks too much
she's just too hot for him
Q. Why can't Sam sleep in her own bedrooms?

the roof leaks
Long Duk Dong is in it
her grandparents are in it
Judd Nelson is in it