Snow Falling on Cedars Chapter 10 Summary

  • We pick up again with Etta Heine, who's still on the stand and still keeping it racist. We learn that Kabuo Miyamoto visited her once he returned from the war, trying to figure out what happened to his family's land. She had explained that it was gone.
  • Etta claims that Kabuo has been giving him dirty looks ever since, and that their families were definitely enemies now.
  • Then Ole Jurgensen takes the stand and tells his part of the story regarding the sale of the land. He claims that Kabuo indeed felt robbed by Etta and claimed he would get his land back someday.
  • He also recalls eventually putting the land back up for sale after his stroke, and Carl Heine, Jr. showed up immediately to buy it. They shook on it.
  • So, when Kabuo showed up later that same day also trying to purchase the land, he was too late... and he was not pleased. This was just a few days before Carl was found dead. Whoa, this motive is getting thick.