Snow Falling on Cedars Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Snow Falling on Cedars.

Memory and the Past Quotes

"He got hit pretty hard with something fairly flat, Art. Puts me in mind of a type of gun butt wound I saw a few times in the war. One of those kendo strikes the Japs used." (5.52)

Imprisonment Quotes

After the noon recess was called that day Kabuo Miyamoto ate lunch in his cell, as he had seventy-seven times. The cell was one of two in the courthouse basement and had neither bars nor windows. I...

Truth Quotes

An unflagging loyalty to his profession and its principles made Arthur, over the years, increasingly deliberate in his speech and actions, and increasingly exacting regarding the truth in even his...

Prejudice Quotes

He had nothing in principle against the vacationers from Seattle who frequented San Piedro all summer long—most islanders disliked them because they were city people—but on the other hand he di...

Warfare Quotes

He was, his son remembered, morally meticulous, and though Ishmael might strive to emulate this, there was nevertheless this matter of the war—this matter of the arm he'd lost—that made such sc...

Death Quotes

He knew, for instance, what brains looked like spilling out of somebody's head. (4.19)

Love Quotes

He decided then that he would love her forever no matter what came to pass. It was not so much a matter of deciding as accepting the inevitability of it. It made him feel better, though he felt per...

Fate and Free Will Quotes

Hatsue stood with her long-handled hoe and said that she had learned from Mrs. Shigemura that character was always destiny. He would have to do what he must do, and she would have to do the same. (...