Snow Falling on Cedars Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

An unflagging loyalty to his profession and its principles made Arthur, over the years, increasingly deliberate in his speech and actions, and increasingly exacting regarding the truth in even his most casual reportage. (4.19)

Ishmael's father was apparently a huge stickler for morals and the truth. Ishmael's morality and style of reporting prove to be very different from his father's.

Quote #2

This was what his father had taught him: the greater the composure, the more revealed one was, the truth of one's inner life was manifest—a pleasing paradox. (11.4)

This is Kabuo reflecting upon the lessons his father taught him. Unfortunately, the truth—which is that he's a good guy—is not really evident to the jury "because of" his composure. Of course, it's really because of their prejudices that they view his calmness as evidence that he's haughty and aloof and, by extension, totally different from themselves and inscrutable.

Quote #3

"Not every fact is just a fact," he added. "It's all a kind of ... balancing act. A juggling of pins, all kinds of pins, that's what journalism is about." (13.57)

This quote comes from Arthur Chambers, who was talking to Ishmael at the time. In his journalism, Arthur purposely played up the contributions of Japanese Americans to the community and the U.S. war effort. Ishmael thought that was bias, but Arthur defends the choice, explaining here that the way facts are presented always has an angle, in his view.