Snow Falling on Cedars Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Hatsue stood with her long-handled hoe and said that she had learned from Mrs. Shigemura that character was always destiny. He would have to do what he must do, and she would have to do the same. (11.41)

Hatsue offers these thoughts when she hears Kabuo is going to war. He feels obligated to fight for the U.S. to prove his loyalty (and because that's just the kind of guy he is), which makes Hatsue think of Mrs. S.'s "character is destiny" wisdom.

Quote #2

He gave his whole soul to love; he allowed himself to believe that his feelings for Hatsue had been somehow preordained. He had been meant to meet her on the beach as a child and then to pass his life with her. There was no other way it could be. (12.4)

Long before Hatsue meets Kabuo and believes that loving him is her destiny, Ishmael thought that he and Hatsue were destined for a happy ending. We see that here in one of Ishmael's flashbacks to the days when he was absolutely, 100 percent convinced that he and Hatsue were MTB.

Quote #3

It seemed to her certain that she would suffer from the consequences of it, that no one could maintain such deceit for so long without paying for it somehow. (12.6)

Despite Ishmael's youthful confidence that things would end up all sunshine and rainbows between him and Hatsue, Hatsue always seemed to have a feeling that their relationship was somehow wrong or doomed, in part because she had to lie to everyone about it.