Snow Falling on Cedars Chapter 30 Summary

  • Everyone is clearing out of the courtroom. Hatsue tells Kabuo she thinks the jury will do the right thing.
  • Ishmael remains, still pondering what to do about the ridiculously important evidence that he has decided to hold back, apparently out of some residual feelings for Hatsue. Because what says love more than letting the father of your beloved's children hang for a murder he didn't commit?
  • Ishmael and Nels exchange pleasantries and then exit the courtroom.
  • Going to the cloakroom, Ishmael runs into Hisao and Hatsue. Hatsue once again suggests that Ishmael write about the unfairness of Kabuo's trial in the paper.
  • Ishmael puts her off, saying that if she wants to discuss anything with him, he'll be at his mother's. He then walks around outside, checking out the destruction the snow had created.
  • Then, we jump over to the jury, who are almost all unanimous in wanting to convict Kabuo. The one hold out is Alexander Van Ness. He and the other jurors tussle over various pieces of evidence and their meaning, with each of the other jurors trying to convince Van Ness that Miyamoto's guilt of premeditated murder is clear beyond a reasonable doubt because he's not trustworthy. Van Ness isn't buying it.
  • When they haven't reached any decision by 6 p.m., Ed Soames announces that the jury hasn't reached a verdict and people can come back at 9 a.m. the next day if they want an update.