Snow Falling on Cedars Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He had nothing in principle against the vacationers from Seattle who frequented San Piedro all summer long—most islanders disliked them because they were city people—but on the other hand he did not especially enjoy seeing them as they wandered up and down Main Street. Tourists reminded him of other places and elicited in him a prodding doubt that living here was what he wanted. (4.9)

San Piedro is kind of an insular place, and even Ishmael, the somewhat worldly reporter, seems to share in some of that closed-off attitude and is not super-welcoming of visitors and other interlopers.

Quote #2

"Suckers all look alike," said Dale. "Never could tell them guys apart." (4.90)

Dale is one of the fishermen Art Moran interviews after Carl Heine's death. The fishermen point Art in the direction of Kabuo Miyamoto, who had been out fishing that night as well. Dale actually doesn't immediately remember which member of the Miyamoto family was the captain of the Islander, so this is how he explains his confusion. Lovely.

Quote #3

And the majority of Japs, Horace recalled, inflicted death over the left ear, swinging in from the right. (5.33)

According to Horace Whaley (the coroner), the wound on Carl Heine's head resembles some of the ones he saw during World War II.