Splendors and Glooms Chapter 13 Summary

November the Fourteenth at Strachan's Ghyll

  • Cassandra dreams about lying on a funeral pyre and burning to death. When she opens her eyes, she sees Grisini standing in front of her—but he's a dream, too. Whoa.
  • She wakes up and goes to the Tower Room, which is the stronghold where she does magic.
  • Inside, she stands in front of a crystal and looks inside to see London, which is where Grisini now resides. She sees him with a couple of little children, which doesn't make any sense to her.
  • When she looks around the room, she sees that all of the mirrors reflect back images of women burning. It's horrible, and she decides that she has to do something to stop the phoenix-stone, to stop herself from reaching the same horrible fate.
  • Cassandra then holds the fire opal and speaks Grisini's name. She will summon him after all.