Splendors and Glooms Chapter 25 Summary

A Member of the Audience

  • Clara has come to love the puppet shows as much as Parsefall. Still, she doesn't know what's going to happen to her or if she'll ever be able to move of her own free will again.
  • In being around Parsefall so much, she's also gotten a glimpse into his mind and what haunts him—namely the specter of Grisini and pangs of hunger.
  • One day, Clara the puppet is performing when a man suddenly walks up to the stage and starts yelling at Parsefall. He wants to know where the boy got that puppet.
  • Clara realizes with shock that it's her father, Dr. Wintermute. Seeing his anguish, she realizes for the first time that her father loves her and has been mourning her absence.
  • Dr. Wintermute recognizes Parsefall as Grisini's helper and asks him where his master is and why he has a puppet that looks exactly like his missing daughter.
  • Parsefall breaks away and makes a run for it, carrying Clara with him so Dr. Wintermute cannot keep the puppet.