Splendors and Glooms Chapter 16 Summary

The Morning After

  • The next day, Lizzie Rose wakes up feeling nauseous and terrified as she remembers the events of the night before.
  • She got a scratch on her face and has bruises from where Grisini grabbed her. When she peeks outside to look for Grisini's body, though, she finds nothing there—the dude is gone.
  • Parsefall joins her, and they speculate as to whether or not Grisini is dead or simply left. That he simply bounced seems impossible considering the extent of his injuries.
  • Lizzie Rose tells Parsefall to go buy breakfast and take out the dogs. When he leaves, she starts cleaning up Mrs. Pinchbeck's house because she doesn't know what else to do.
  • When Mrs. Pinchbeck wakes up, they immediately ask her what happened to Grisini. She tells them that she went out to look for a doctor, but when they returned to the spot where Grisini had fallen, he had simply disappeared.
  • Lizzie Rose immediately starts worrying about how they're going to pay the rent in Grisini's absence, but Mrs. Pinchbeck assures her that she won't turn them out into the street so long as they help out around the house and with the dogs.