Splendors and Glooms Chapter 38 Summary

The Bolt on the Door

  • Clara Wintermute wakes up in the Tower Room—where Parsefall has locked himself in—and hears Madama summoning her. The old witch says they need to speak.
  • She notices that the summons doesn't feel as strong; it's clear that Madama is losing some of her power and growing weak.
  • Clara tries to resist but is immediately punished with a wave of heat. Madama says that she will come to the Tower Room if Clara does not come down to her room.
  • That's when the doorknob starts rattling, so Clara turns to the door and wills her thoughts to tell Madama that she needs to go away right now—she's not welcome here.
  • As she thinks hard, Clara hears a thud on the other side of the door and realizes that Madama has fallen over. She worries that she's killed the woman and is relieved to hear her crawling away and calling for help.
  • Then, she finds herself under the table again—still a little puppet—and sees Parsefall standing by the door, wondering what was on the other side. He's worried it was Grisini.