Splendors and Glooms Chapter 18 Summary


  • While Parsefall and Lizzie Rose are busy freaking out over the puppet that looks like Clara, Clara is trying to figure out what in the world is going on—you know, because she is the puppet.
  • She wants to tell the children that she's there, but she cannot on account of how she's now a puppet. Somehow, Grisini has done this to her. Ugh.
  • Fortunately, Parsefall comes to the conclusion that the puppet is Clara almost right away. He believes Grisini has magical powers and tells Lizzie Rose that the bad dude did it.
  • Lizzie Rose doesn't believe him at first, but then she looks at the puppet and sees that it has on the exact same locket that Clara was wearing at her birthday party.
  • Parsefall is clever—he even works out that Grisini probably turned Clara into a puppet so that he could hold her for ransom. He says that Grisini must have done the same thing to all of those other kids who went missing.
  • They touch the puppet and realize that she's warm and feels alive. Lizzie Rose has to admit that it appears that Clara is the puppet.
  • In the meantime, Clara tries to remember how this happened to her. She thinks back to finding the watch at her house and deciding that she had to return it to Grisini.
  • She brought it outside for Grisini, but after that, she remembers nothing. This must be when he snatched her and transformed her into a puppet.
  • Lizzie Rose and Parsefall decide they can no longer keep Clara in the trunk because it's too much like a coffin. Parsefall also decides that he'll string up Clara like a puppet so she can dance. Um, thanks?