Splendors and Glooms Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But the muscles of her arm betrayed her. The silver mirror changed direction. It struck Cassandra's left hand with such violence that the mirror glass cracked. Four bones shattered, and the back of her hand began to ooze blood from a dozen cuts. (P.27)

As much as Cassandra wants to destroy the phoenix-stone, she cannot because it has too strong of a hold on her. She is too attached to the dark power that it gives her, so she cannot smash it.

Quote #2

It occurred to Lizzie Rose that it would be easy to hit him. It would serve him right, and he was certainly within range. She pushed the tempting idea aside and reached for the poker. "I'm going to stir up the fire," she whispered. "You're cold as ice." (10.7)

Lizzie Rose makes being good look easy, but inside, it's a little more complicated. She has moments where she wants to smack Parsefall for being mean to her, too, but she tries to opt for kindness each time.

Quote #3

He reached in his pocket and took out the automaton watch. It was almost nine o'clock, and he wanted to see the hour strike. He cherished a childish fancy that someday the machinery might jam so that the wolf could capture its prey. He imagined the tiny jaws tearing at the swan's feathers; he pictured drops of ruby-bright blood, smaller than grains of sand. (14.4)

Grisini is such a bloodthirsty man that he even roots for the wolf, which is chasing a swan, on his automaton watch. He's never on the side of good and always wants the predator to win.