Splendors and Glooms Chapter 27 Summary


  • As Parsefall is walking home, Lizzie Rose comes out of nowhere and tells him that he can't go home. She's afraid Dr. Wintermute may have gone to the police and is bringing them back to the house.
  • She tells him that he's going to go hide at the train station while she goes home to collect all of their belongings. Then, they're going to go see the woman who wrote Grisini that letter—you know, the rich one.
  • Parsefall is skeptical about this rich old woman he's never met, but Lizzie Rose tells him they have no choice. They have to go somewhere to hide from the police.
  • Parsefall says that he'll only go if they can pack the puppets—and Clara—to go with them. Lizzie Rose is reluctant, but when he says they might need to earn a living if the old woman isn't there, she agrees.