Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Fudge is going to be three years old. My mother said he should have a birthday party with some of his friends. He plays with three other little kids who live in our building. There's Jennie, Ralph, and Sam. (5.13)

Fudge is just a toddler, so he just plays with the other little kids in their building because it's easy to arrange playdates. He doesn't really choose his friends.

Quote #8

But it still isn't much fun to have her hanging around. She's always complaining that she got stuck with the worst possible committee. And that me and Jimmy fool more than we work. (7.5)

Some of Sheila's complaining might have to do with the fact that Peter and Jimmy are best buds, so she feels a little left out.

Quote #9

The hard part was explaining to Jimmy that we had to start all over again. He was a good sport about it. He said this time he'd make sure his truck didn't look like a flying train. And I said this time I'd make pencil marks first so my letters didn't go uphill. (7.81)

Jimmy doesn't complain when Peter tells him the bad news about their school project. Instead of making Peter re-do all the work himself, he's happy to pitch in. He even makes it into something positive: this time, the project will be even better. He probably knew Peter felt terrible about it and he didn't want to make it worse.