Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The next morning my mother came into my room and sat down on my bed. I didn't look at her.

"Peter," she said.

I didn't answer.

"Peter, I said some things yesterday that I didn't really mean." (4.100-103)

Mrs. Hatcher feels awful that she blamed Peter for everything that happened at the playground. She's even more bothered by the fact that he feels unloved. She admits that she made a mistake and makes sure that Peter knows how much she loves him.

Quote #5

My mother flopped down in a chair. Grandma brought her two aspirins and a glass of water.

"Here, dear," she said. "Maybe these will help." (5.118)

Peter's grandma knows exactly how to care for Mrs. Hatcher after Fudge's birthday party. Even moms need their own mother's love sometimes to get them through.

Quote #6

When I'm done with that I put the rocks back in and fill it with just the right amount of water. After I put Dribble back in his bowl I feed him. Usually he goes right to sleep on his favorite rock. I guess running around in the bathtub really makes my turtle tired. (6.11)

Peter's attachment and attentiveness to Dribble gives us a hint that he himself has been raised in a loving family and knows what it means to take good care of something. He's not feeling the love when Fudge is terrorizing the household and demanding everyone's attention, but it's totally there under the surface.