Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

My present turned out to be a big picture dictionary. The kind I liked when I was about four years old…

"I don't know much about big boys," Mrs. Yarby said. "So the lady in the store said a nice book would be a good idea." (2.57-58)

It turns out that Mr. and Mrs. Yarby know absolutely nothing about kids at different ages since they never had kids of their own. Still, she does try to compliment Peter by calling him a big boy.

Quote #5

When he still refused to eat she got upset. "You've got to eat, Fudgie," she said. "You want to grow up to be big and strong, don't you?"

"No grow." Fudge said. (3.5-6)

Mrs. Hatcher tries to tempt Fudge with the promise of growing up, but Fudge knows better than to fall for that. He's got a good thing going on as a little toddler. Who'd want to grow up when you're showered with attention and get away with murder?

Quote #6

Even Fudge can ride. He has a little blue Toddle-Bike, a present from my father's client. And when he's riding he makes motorcycle noises. "Vroom—vroom—vroom." he yells. (4.9)

Peter grudgingly admits that Fudge can be pretty funny and cute.