Jealousy Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The first definable feeling that worked its way up to his brain was disappointment. Owen would never want me, he thought. If this is what Owen wants, then Owen would never want me. (17.5)

Is this jealousy? Even Affenlight is trying to figure himself out at this point, when he discovers porn on Owen's computer and thinks the muscled hunk on the screen is his type. Affenlight looks at it again to try to figure out his own reaction. He's so confused about his sexuality, he doesn't even know if he's jealous of the model.

Quote #5

"You were right about the kid—what you saw in him three years ago, everyone else is seeing now. But it's not making you happy, the way you thought it would. In fact, you're starting to resent the ungrateful bastard." (18.55)

This quote is a continued exploration of Mike's jealousy, from Pella's point of view. Is she right, aside from the ungrateful part?

Quote #6

"I had a plan for Henry, and it worked. I had a plan for myself, and that one didn't. I shouldn't take it out on him." (18.62)

This is Mike's own self-analysis. Is he accurate? What could he do to assuage these feelings of jealousy?