Jealousy Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If [Mike] wanted to buy a coffee at a rest stop, he'd have to ask Henry to spot him. Henry, all of a sudden, could afford it. (19.1)

Add this to the "reasons that Mike feels jealous of Henry" pile. Mike is having money woes, what with student debt and no future education prospects, but Henry is hearing rumors of increasingly lucrative signing deals. Even though Mike likes to take care of others, he can't bear being in debt to anyone else—except the government.

Quote #8

If Owen thought Jason was slightly better-looking than Affenlight but much better-looking than Owen, then Owen thought that Affenlight was better-looking than Owen. Which was a compliment. But to be compared unfavorably to an ex-boyfriend: that was a slight. (26.20)

Affenlight's constant analysis of his and Owen's relationship waffles between jealousy of his ex-boyfriend and just pure neuroses. Do you think Affenlight is jealous or just a neurotic?

Quote #9

It was a bad thing to do: to distance himself from Henry, to cut the Skrimmer adrift while pretending nothing had changed—and to do so, when you got down to it, because he couldn't handle Henry's success. (28.46)

We're proud of Mike here because the book isn't even halfway over yet, and, through the power of his own self-awareness, he's able to squash his jealousy of Henry and repair their friendship.