The True Meaning of Smekday Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Us? Us?" Curly said. His face was red like a zit waiting to pop. "You'd rather go with a bleeping Boov than stay with your own kind?" (2.645)

Tip might not want to admit it, but she is starting to care about J.Lo now. This is the first time we hear her have second thoughts about her alien sidekick, but it sure won't be the last.

Quote #5

I grabbed J.Lo's arm. I didn't think anything of it at that moment. Later I'd realize it was the first time I'd touched him. Touched him without trying to hit him, anyway. (2.649)

Yep, that's a pretty important distinction between hitting and touching. In any case, Tip starts to treat J.Lo like a friend, not some alien from outer space.

Quote #6

"They are not my friends!" J.Lo shouted. His face was burning pink. "You may not say it! The Gorg are friends of no one! NO ONE!" (2.637)

J.Lo gets all bothered when Tip even suggests that Boov and Gorg are friends… but isn't this type of stereotyping what got them in trouble in the first place? Even though we feel badly for the little Boov for messing up, he's still got a lot to learn when it comes to understanding who he should be friends with.