The Usual Rules Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It wasn't hard remembering the fights because there'd been lots of those. Jesus Christ, Janet. If what you cared about so much was a microwave oven and health insurance, you should have married a damn banker. (4.47)

Even though Wendy misses Garrett, she doesn't have this idea that their family life was wonderful; after all, her parents did fight a lot. Deep down inside, she knows her mother is happier with Josh than she was with Garrett.

Quote #5

Sometimes when Wendy let herself start thinking about her mother, it would be memories of whole days that came to her: the birthday party—second grade—where her mother had taught her and a bunch of her friends how to do the Charleston and Kate had made a video of them in their flapper outfits. (7.23)

Once Wendy starts remembering all the good times she had with her mother, she can't stop—and the worst part is that she knows these are all the memories she will ever have. They won't make any new memories together.

Quote #6

She wanted to remember everything, and yet she couldn't bear to. Once you lowered your raft into the rapids, there was no steering anymore.

I never understood this before, she heard Josh saying one night when Roberto had stopped by, how precious everything was. (7.35-36)

Now that Janet is gone, all they have are memories of her. None of them realized how precious and fleeting their life together was—not even Josh, who thought he'd be with Janet for the rest of his life.