Things Not Seen Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I guess I was popular before it happened, but that didn't help. All the kids I hung around with just disappeared—all but Nancy, Nancy Fredericks." (13.51)

It seems that Alicia had a lot of fair-weather friends before she became blind. Once she had her accident, all of her friends slowly trickled out of her life, except for the one true friend who was willing to stick with her through the hard times.

Quote #5

And then I see what she means. Because I did have to tell her, just like she has to tell me all of this. I had to trust her. Sometimes, you have to tell someone else what it's like. Because if you don't, you'll go nuts. (13.57)

Sometimes you just know when you meet the right person. Call it love at first sight, call it an instant connection… it doesn't matter. All that matters is that Bobby knows that he can trust Alicia as soon as he meets her.

Quote #6

And I learn that I can have a girlfriend. Or at least a friend who's a girl. That's because I talk to Alicia a lot. We talk on the phone, and we do instant messaging. She's got a text-to-speech translator on her PC, so whatever I type into a message window, her PC says out loud. She types a lot faster than I do. And we just talk. (14.16)

Okay, so maybe Alicia isn't Bobby's official girlfriend, but she sure is taking on the emotional role of one—they tell each other everything and talk constantly. It's like they've known each other all their lives.