Toy Story Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Toy Story? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who is having a birthday at the beginning of the movie?

Andy's Mom
Q. Whose catchphrase is "To infinity and beyond!"

Buzz Lightyear
Mr. Potato Head
Q. What does Woody think is his main purpose in life as a toy?

To get played with.
To be there for Andy.
To lead the other toys.
To be donated to Goodwill.
Q. Why is Sid home during summer vacation?

He got out of juvenile detention.
He got kicked out of summer school.
He got kicked out of summer camp.
His parents just love spending time with him.
Q. Who stretches to try to rescue Woody and Buzz in the back of the moving van?

Bo Peep
Stretch Armstrong