Toy Story Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. What do you think of the toys' mission in life—to be there for Andy? Do you think it's noble…or kind of sad?
  2. Why do you think the toys worry about change so much? How do they finally overcome their initial fears?
  3. Is Woody a likeable character? How about Buzz? How about Mr. Potato Head? Sid?
  4. Why do you think the filmmakers decided to make Buzz unaware that he's a toy? How would Buzz's relationship with Woody be different if he knew he was in competition for the spot of Andy's favorite toy?
  5. Why do you think Andy and his family are moving?
  6. What do you think happened to Sid's toys after the movie ended?
  7. How would Toy Story be different if Andy was a little girl instead of a little boy?
  8. Does Toy Story make you think differently about your own toys or possessions? Does you iPhone get up and talk to your TV at night?
  9. Why can't toys ever tell anyone that they're alive? And, more importantly, why do you think human children have never noticed that their toys walking around and talking?