Toy Story Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Toy Story.

Quote #7

BUZZ: I could have stopped him.

WOODY: Buzz, I would love to see you try. 'Course I'd love to see you as a crater.

Here, the other toys are watching Sid blow up that Combat Carl and Buzz is the only one who thinks to do something. Woody is pretty resentful here because not only does he hate Buzz for taking his place in Andy's heart, but Buzz also thinks he can help other toys. Woody never thought to do something like that. This idea will come in handy later.

Quote #8

WOODY: Will Andy pick me? "Don't count on it."

This takes place right after Woody finds out that Andy can only bring one toy to Pizza Planet. He asks the Magic 8-Ball what will happen and gets an answer that turns out to be true—that he doesn't like at all. That little 8-Ball is not helping Woody's green-eyed monster stay in check.