Walk Two Moons Change/Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I wanted everything to be like it was. I wanted to be back in Bybanks, Kentucky, in the hills and the trees, near the cows and chickens and pigs. I wanted to run down the hill from the barn and through the kitchen door that banged behind me and see my mother and my father sitting at the table peeling apples. (4.2)

We are in awe of how specific Sal's memories are. We are also struck by the fact that this thirteen year old's hopes and dreams don't have to do with clothes, boys, or any material things. She just wants her family and her home back. Poor Sal.

Quote #2

"See? I'm almost as good as your father!" She said it in a shy way, laughing a little. I felt betrayed, but I didn't know why. (6.32)

Is this not one of the most interesting moments in the whole book? The word "betrayed" is a very strong and powerful word, especially when someone uses it to describe her relationship with her mother. Why in the world would Sal feel betrayed by this offhand comment from her mother?

Quote #3

When my mother left for Lewiston, Idaho, that April, my first thoughts were, "How could she do that? How could she leave me?" (10.12)

If we were in Sal's shoes, we would feel angry, too, that our mother had left us. But put yourself in Chanhassen's shoes for a bit. Knowing what you know now, how do you think Chanhassen Hiddle felt when she left home for the first time?