Walk Two Moons Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Gram and Gramps knew that I wanted to see Momma, but that I was afraid to. (2.5)

Even though Sal doesn't tell anyone about what she is scared of, Gram and Gramps know exactly what she fears most. (Basically, they are rock star grandparents) Why is Sal afraid to see her mom? It seems like she's a bundle of mixed emotions. That must be a lot for a thirteen-year-old girl to handle.

Quote #2

I prayed that we would not be in an accident (I was terrified of cars and buses) and that we would get there by my mother's birthday – seven days away – and that we would bring her home (2.10).

Sal prays quite a bit, but she doesn't pray for material things like clothes or popularity or fame. Instead, she asks for very simple and human things: safety, love, peace, and comfort. More than anything, she wants her family to get back together.

Quote #3

I, Salamanca Tree Hiddle, was afraid of lots and lots of things. For example, I was terrified of car accidents, death, cancer, brain tumors, nuclear war, pregnant women, loud noises, strict teachers, elevators, and scads of other things. But I was not afraid of spiders, snakes, and wasps. (3.19)

There seems to be a pattern in the things that scare her. For example, most of the things in this list have to do with death or deadly and dangerous situations. By far, her strangest fear is of "pregnant women." What's that all about?