Walk Two Moons Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The detour through Pipestone wound through a cool, dark forest and if you closed your eyes and smelled the air, you could smell Bybanks, Kentucky. (12.19)

Sal uses all of her senses to tell a story. She almost teleports to Bybanks simply by breathing. It must be really comforting for Sal to smell a smell that is so familiar and that reminds her of the home she misses so much.

Quote #2

"It's a water moccasin isn't it?" she said. It's a poisonous one, isn't it?" The snake slithered and wriggled, straining toward the water. (15.29)

Nature is not always kind, even though Sal and her family love it and respect so much. In fact, it can be lethal; you could argue that this snake causes Gram to die.

Quote #3

Outside the hospital, I heard the warbling of a bird, and it was such a familiar warble that I stopped and listened for its source. Bordering the parking lot was a rim of poplars. The sound was coming from somewhere in the top of one of those trees, and I thought, instantly, of the singing tree in Bybanks. (16.9)

Once again, nature helps transport Sal to her beloved hometown of Bybanks, Kentucky. By noticing nature and using all of her senses, Sal is able to feel closer to home. And feeling closer to home comforts her more than anything else.