Walk Two Moons Resources


Our Awesome Author

This is author Sharon Creech's website, with tons of info, interviews, and other goodies.

Mapping Sal's Road Trip

Here's a possible map of the route Sal and her grandparents took to get to Idaho.

The Ultimate Interview

Read this great interview with Sharon Creech by Scholastic students. She dishes about a ton of stuff related to Walk Two Moons.

The Great Sioux Nation

Learn more about the great Sioux Nation and its people. Does this help you understand Sal's character a little better?

The Badlands National Park

This makes us want to go on a road trip, that's for sure.

"The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls"

Read this great poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – the same one that Mr. Birkway reads to his English class.

"the little horse is newlY"

And here's the awesome poem by e.e. cummings that Sal likes so much.


In Person and Just as Awesome

Hear what our author has to say about writing books: straight from the source!

Sharon Creech at the 2009 National Book Festival

Watch our lady Creech speak at one of the coolest festivals in America.

Unfinished Angel

Here, you can watch Sharon Creech read an excerpt from her book Unfinished Angel. Hearing an author read their own work is pretty much the coolest thing ever.


Listen to Walk Two Moons

There are several ways to access the audiobook version of Walk Two Moons. We suggest you make one of them happen. For now, check out this sample.


The Badlands

Check out this beautiful picture of the Badlands at Sunset.

Mount Rushmore

This is an old photo of Mount Rushmore. What do you think? Awesome? Out of place? Both?

The Black Hills of South Dakota

Beautiful, beautiful hills. Road trip, anyone?

Kentucky Countryside

This is how we picture Sal's hometown.

Pipestone National Monument

Remember when Sal, Gram, and Gramps stopped here?

Old Faithful

The huge geyser in Yellowstone National Park is pretty awesome.

Lewiston, Idaho at Night

Imagine what Sal might have seen driving from Coeur d'Alene to Lewiston at night.