Walk Two Moons Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

On that long day that my father and I left the farm behind and drove to Euclid, I wished that my father was not such a good man, so there would be someone to blame for my mother's leaving. I didn't want to blame her. She was my mother, and she was part of me. (18.26)

Why does everyone want to blame Dad Hiddle for the sadness in the family? And by everyone, we mean Sal and Chanhassen. It seems a little unfair, but then again, maybe we don't get the whole story.

Quote #2

Later, when I was doing my homework, I found myself doodling in the margin of my English book. I had drawn a figure of a woman with wild hair and evil eyes and a rope around her neck. I drew a tree, fastened the rope to it, and hung her. (19.19)

Mrs. Cadaver seems like the perfect villain at first. Her name, her hair, her super sweet demeanor – everything adds up to her being evil incarnate. Sal is desperate to find someone to blame, and Mrs. Cadaver makes for an easy target, no matter what she's really like.

Quote #3

I hoped Mr. Birkway was in love with Margaret Cadaver and would marry her and take her away so that my father and I could go back to Bybanks. (19.20)

Sal blames Mrs. Cadaver for taking her away from Bybanks. It's totally easier to blame this strange lady than it is to blame her own dad. So getting rid of Mrs. Cadaver would make everything go back to normal, right?