Walk Two Moons Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I certainly do know heaps of stories, but I learned most of them from Gramps. Gram suggested I tell one about my mother. That I could not do. I had just reached the point where I could stop thinking about her every minute of every day. (2.18)

At this moment, Sal describes the act of thinking about her mom almost like a disease that she is trying to cure. Even though she does not directly say, "I am in such pain," we can tell she is totally heartbroken. We also get the sense from this moment that storytelling is a huge part of how the Hiddles live. Gram and Gramps tell stories and love to hear stories, perhaps because they know it's a good way to heal.

Quote #2

And then I started thinking about the blackberries, and I remembered a time my mother and I walked around the rims of the fields and pastures in Bybanks, picking blackberries. We did not pick from the bottom were for the rabbits, my mother said, and the ones at the top were for the birds. The ones at people-height were for people. (6.18)

It seems like a lot of Sal's memories have to do with things that her mother has taught her about the world – things like how to pick blueberries and why Moody Blue would distance herself from her puppies after so many months.

Quote #3

It's surprising all the things you remember just by eating a blackberry pie. (6.33)

Sal uses each of her five senses to help her remember some of her most favorite and most important memories. The senses have a huge connection to memory. Can you think of other memories in which the senses play a huge role?