Walk Two Moons Chapter 30 Summary

Breaking In

  • Sal and Phoebe notice that Mrs. Cadaver is leaving home to work the late shift (she's a nurse, remember?), so they decide to sneak into Mrs. Cadaver's dark house while she's out.
  • This can't end well.
  • In the living room, they come upon Mrs. Partridge reading in the dark.
  • While Phoebe inspects the living room for any sign of clues, Mrs. Partridge tells Phoebe that she's met her brother. Well that's weird – Phoebe doesn't have a brother.
  • On their way back, Sal tries to tell Phoebe that her mom might not have been able to tell her the reasons she had to leave in person. She tries to tell Phoebe that her mom might not come back at all.
  • This does not go over well; Phoebe totally freaks and tells Sal to shut up.
  • That night in bed, Sal thinks about Longfellow's poem, the way Mr. Winterbottom cried, and about how she used to obsess over things that had once belonged to her mom.
  • When she wakes up the next morning, she calls Phoebe and tells her they simply have to find Mrs. Winterbottom.