Belle Prater's Boy Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Okay," he said. "You go on home and do your stuff and go to bed. Then you get up and sneak out the window and meet me back down here."

"No foolin'?" I said, grinning.

I was excited. Never in a hundred million years would it have occurred to me on my own to do such a naughty thing. (6.118-120)

Having Woodrow around sure does make Gypsy's life more exciting. He leads her on all sorts of adventures and even convinces her to break the rules by sneaking out of her window at night.

Quote #5

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. It was just a place in the air where…"

"Where what?"

"Where two worlds touch," he said, and let his breath out with the words. (7.19-21)

Woodrow has grown up accepting magic because Aunt Belle believes in all that stuff. They've even discovered a strange place near their home—a place where two worlds meet.

Quote #6

"Mama knew about the place," Woodrow went on. "We used to talk about it sometimes; then suddenly one day she told me to hush up about that place. She didn't want me to talk about it anymore. She said I was imagining things, but even after that, I saw her out there sometimes going around and around and back and forth, kinda batting at the air like she was feeling for it." (7.25)

Woodrow and his mother used to explore the place where two worlds touched all the time, but then his mother stopped letting him in on the secret. She wanted to unravel its mysteries all on her own.