Feathers Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

Maribel came over to us and stood next to Samantha. I rolled my eyes. She was wearing a new pair of platform boots—the shiny leather kind with the buckle. When I'd asked Mama if I could get them, she'd given me a look and said, You can't even walk right in flat shoes! (14.12)

Maribel is pretty much the only girl in their class who can afford all the fancy new clothes that they long for. It makes people like Frannie jealous—but it also makes them mad when they see her strutting around.

Quote #8

There was a hole in one of her mittens. When she saw me looking at it, she put her hand in her pocket. (16.8)

Most of the time, it doesn't even cross Frannie's mind that Samantha is poor, or that her family doesn't have enough money for lots of food and new clothes. But sometimes, the reality of Samantha's financial situation becomes clear.

Quote #9

The next morning, the Jesus Boy came up to me just as we were lining up to go inside. He looked like he wanted to say something, then just looked down at the ground. After a moment, he raised his head again.

"I probably shouldn't have talked about his daddy, huh?" (18.1-2)

Even though Jesus Boy spoke out in anger, he realizes that he took a cheap shot in making fun of Trevor's family—since Trevor doesn't have a daddy like everyone else. That was a messed up thing to say.