The Sixth Sense Scene 13 Summary

  • We're now back with Cole and Malcolm, and they're talking about Cole's dad. They are talking about free association.
  • As we listen to them chat, we see Lynn cleaning Cole's room.
  • She comes across some writing on his desk. It says some scary stuff on it, stuff that doesn't even look relevant to Cole's life. Like "The only way you'll catch me is to kill me, copper," and "Quiet the damn baby."
  • Looks like that's exactly the kind of free association Malcolm is talking about. But with a twist, since that stuff doesn't exactly appear to be coming from Cole's life experience.
  • Malcolm gets up to leave, but he asks Cole what he wants to get out of their time together.
  • Cole asks if it can be something he doesn't want. He says that he doesn't want to be scared anymore.
  • What a sad goal for a child to have, right?