Tears of a Tiger Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She told me that she was tired of holding his hand and nursing him through his temper tantrums and crying spells. She said she was glad it was over finally. She didn't have the nerve to break up with him before this. I don't know what Andy is going to do now. She told him they could still be friends, but Andy needs more than that. I feel sorry for him, but I side with Keisha—she ain't no shrink. That dude needs help. (35.5)

Whether Keisha means to or not, she isolates Andy by dumping him. In fairness, she can't be his shrink when she's just in high school—but we also know that Andy needs support from people around him to get through this, and he doesn't get it. Sigh.

Quote #8

So what do I do now? Pray? Cry? Hide under the bed from the monsters that are inside of me? No, I'm just going to sit here and think. I'm goin' to think about why I'm sittin' here on my bed, holdin' my dad's huntin' rifle, feelin' how smooth and cool it feels. (41.1)

Andy thinks about how he feels when he calls and no one can talk to him right before he takes his life. Even though he's spent time pushing his friends away, now he wants them close, but no one is around when he calls… but has he really exhausted his friend resources?

Quote #9

Andy left without sayin' good-bye and I don't know why. He had friends that cared about him that he didn't ask for help. I feel like he punched me in the gut and I can't hit back. (43.14)

Andy hurts people by isolating himself so much. In fact, when he kills himself, everyone is angry with him and confused by his actions. They've all wanted to be his friend, but he hasn't let them.