Bullyville Chapter 11 Summary

  • Bart's back at school after Christmas break. And guess what? He's not getting bullied anymore. Guess his inappropriate show of aggression worked. Or maybe it's just because he's not the new kid anymore?
  • Bart plans to coast through school until the year's out, and then convince his mom over the summer to let him return to public school.
  • Bart still doesn't have any friends at school, but he does have Nola and he goes to see her twice a week.
  • He and Nola have been growing closer. He no longer feels obligated to visit her for community service; she's a true friend.
  • Nola sometimes asks for little favors, like gifts of food or books. One day she asks Bart if he'll break her out of the hospital. He can't tell if she's serious, but he's pretty sure it'd never work.
  • Bart and Nola tell each other everything. One afternoon she tells him about the time she clinically died; she wasn't supposed to know about it, but she read it on her chart.
  • This is difficult for Bart to hear because it makes him aware of the fact that she will die again. Just like his dad did.
  • One day at school, Tyro comes to sit with Bart at lunch. He reminds Bart of the ketchup incident and tries to act all buddy-buddy with him. Bart's not really feeling it, though.
  • He doesn't feel scared of Tyro anymore; something has changed.
  • Tyro apologizes for being such a jerk and asks how things at the hospital are going. Bart says they're going okay, though he stops short of telling him about Nola.
  • For his part, Tyro's not really enjoying himself at the homeless shelter. The food there is gross.