Bullyville Chapter 8 Summary

  • School's back in session and Bart's feeling hopeful; Christmas break is on the horizon.
  • Dr. Bratton, true to his promise, has hired hall monitors to curb the bullying problem. They wear dark sunglasses like Secret Service agents.
  • At least for the time being, Tyro seems to be ignoring Bart. Yay.
  • Then Bart gets a text from a mysterious number: "Hi, it's me." He's not too bothered at first.
  • He keeps getting texts, but they're not making sense; Bart wonders if it's some sort of spam.
  • The prank comes together in the final text, though: "It's hot. It's very hot. It's burning hot. I'm burning up. Love, Dad."
  • Bart's so upset that he thinks maybe it is his dad at first. His dad used to text him all the time, but Bart often just ignored him.
  • Bart feels a flash of guilt for never answering those texts from his dad, and then he comes to his senses and realizes this text isn't from his dad since his dad is dead.
  • Something in Bart snaps, and he goes in the boys' bathrooms and cries his heart out.
  • When he's finished crying, Bart makes a decision: He's not going back to social studies. Slowly, there in the boys' room, his sadness turns into rage.
  • He wants to fight Tyro and his friends, but he's knows he's outnumbered, so he comes up with another plan.
  • Bart hides in the bathroom until lunch then he sneaks outside to the parking lot. He spots Tyro's Escalade. Because of course Tyro has a super fancy car.
  • Bart keys the Escalade, and he enjoys it. A lot.
  • Bart really goes to town, getting more and more artful with his scratches. He's running on adrenaline and begins carving words into the car's paint job. Unfortunately, they do not spell out "This is a terrible idea. Abort! Abort!"
  • Bart puts the finishing touch on his work of art—a cement chunk through the windshield—then he stands back to admire his work.
  • Cue Dr. Bratton: Bart is caught red-handed. But he doesn't even care; he's just happy to have finally exacted revenge.