Bullyville Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

On clear days you could spot the school's tower barely peeping out from under the toxic cloud that hung constantly over our high-priced (if you didn't count our block) and rich (if you didn't count our family) but severely polluted suburb. (1.5)

From the very beginning, we understand that Bart's family isn't exactly well off compared to almost everyone else in town. Bart makes sure of it.

Quote #2

As always, there were a few awkward moments when my friends and I talked about what we'd done on vacation, and I remembered that their families were richer than mine. (1.21)

Bart began noticing class disparities long before he attended Baileywell. But are his friends as troubled by these differences as he is?

Quote #3

She'd tell Dad that if only I went to some place like Baileywell, if only we could afford to send me there, I'd be interested in school, engaged (her word). (2.53)

Interestingly, when Bart finally attends Baileywell, he doesn't find it academically challenging. Huh.